状态 编号 标题 AC / 提交 (通过率)
1400 吴家坑的烦恼 68 / 184 (36.96%)
1401 钓鱼岛又起风波 76 / 147 (51.70%)
1402 身份证检验 24 / 43 (55.81%)
1403 峰蝈蝈的数学题 23 / 136 (16.91%)
1404 Power Sum 48 / 108 (44.44%)
1405 Bridge And Island 29 / 49 (59.18%)
1406 Bridge And Island Again 8 / 28 (28.57%)
1407 Meow star people learning numbers 17 / 58 (29.31%)
1408 Dolly Song 14 / 34 (41.18%)
1409 鼹鼠鼹鼠你不出来 24 / 90 (26.67%)
1410 Parking Space 6 / 20 (30.00%)
1411 TT要吃肉 14 / 50 (28.00%)
1412 Poor Mr. Cai 8 / 27 (29.63%)
1413 Weight 35 / 70 (50.00%)
1414 Rectangular Parallelopiped 34 / 129 (26.36%)
1415 艾丽叶逛公园 0 / 5 (0.00%)
1416 Clear Up 12 / 47 (25.53%)
1417 Diagonal 1 / 6 (16.67%)
1418 Harmonious Matrices 0 / 22 (0.00%)
1419 Largest Square 8 / 33 (24.24%)
1420 Geometric Sequence 0 / 17 (0.00%)
1421 Alien Communicating Machines 5 / 21 (23.81%)
1422 Bridges and Tunnels 11 / 47 (23.40%)
1423 数塔 209 / 387 (54.01%)
1424 金克拉与贪吃蛇的故事 115 / 176 (65.34%)
1425 Pass Through The Square 10 / 26 (38.46%)
1426 Secret Polynomial 0 / 4 (0.00%)
1427 Room Painting 2 / 8 (25.00%)
1428 Course Scheduling 279 / 313 (89.14%)
1429 Annoying Painting Tool 0 / 4 (0.00%)
1430 Candy Sharing Game 27 / 47 (57.45%)
1431 Center 24 / 36 (66.67%)
1432 Constructing Roads 20 / 38 (52.63%)
1433 Game of Connections 4 / 9 (44.44%)
1434 I Hate It 145 / 595 (24.37%)
1435 Logo 1 / 5 (20.00%)
1436 Score 41 / 83 (49.40%)
1437 Shutdown 4 / 10 (40.00%)
1438 Get Up, Soldier! 18 / 68 (26.47%)
1439 Average Speed 6 / 15 (40.00%)
1440 Subway 10 / 44 (22.73%)
1441 Babelfish 190 / 503 (37.77%)
1442 Bounding box 1 / 5 (20.00%)
1443 Weiqi 26 / 98 (26.53%)
1444 The Waterfall Flow 11 / 34 (32.35%)
1445 Lottery Draw 4 / 8 (50.00%)
1446 Greedy Amunu 1 / 12 (8.33%)
1447 Hello World 10 / 67 (14.93%)
1448 Binary Numbers And Digits 5 / 23 (21.74%)
1449 Annie 88 / 356 (24.72%)
1450 Blitzcrank 87 / 271 (32.10%)
1451 Elise 47 / 159 (29.56%)
1452 Ezreal 90 / 148 (60.81%)
1453 LeBlanc 31 / 156 (19.87%)
1454 Lux 32 / 160 (20.00%)
1455 Malphite 35 / 174 (20.11%)
1456 Orianna 21 / 54 (38.89%)
1457 Sona 727 / 3678 (19.77%)
1458 Teemo 38 / 85 (44.71%)
1459 汽水瓶 517 / 859 (60.19%)
1460 弟弟的作业 637 / 1536 (41.47%)
1461 数字整除 294 / 568 (51.76%)
1462 台球碰撞 60 / 252 (23.81%)
1463 内部收益率 218 / 538 (40.52%)
1464 Biggest Number 34 / 215 (15.81%)
1465 Repairing a Road 22 / 75 (29.33%)
1466 射击游戏 7 / 26 (26.92%)
1467 战场的数目 11 / 73 (15.07%)
1468 Infinite Dictionaries 0 / 7 (0.00%)
1469 Tetrahedrons and Spheres 0 / 17 (0.00%)
1470 Kill All 0 / 7 (0.00%)
1471 Apply 2 / 12 (16.67%)
1472 Adding Prime 4 / 19 (21.05%)
1473 Badminton 9 / 16 (56.25%)
1474 Palindromic 3 / 23 (13.04%)
1475 Bachelor 68 / 165 (41.21%)
1476 GO Eight Forwards 28 / 50 (56.00%)
1477 AmeriDarts 90 / 143 (62.94%)
1478 泄密的图片 49 / 197 (24.87%)
1479 How many 61 / 91 (67.03%)
1480 懒惰的风纪委Elaine 76 / 221 (34.39%)
1481 Big Fibonacci 58 / 88 (65.91%)
1482 嘛~付钱吧! 90 / 274 (32.85%)
1483 嘛~寝室寝室! 15 / 81 (18.52%)
1484 艾丽叶的零食 22 / 43 (51.16%)
1485 机智勇敢艾丽叶 73 / 165 (44.24%)
1486 别闹了那快站好 87 / 213 (40.85%)
1487 谁都不准跟我抢吃的(描述已改) 31 / 104 (29.81%)
1488 肥田流满外人水 20 / 44 (45.45%)
1489 艾丽叶送福利 24 / 33 (72.73%)
1490 一一得三,三八二十五,五一劳动节 36 / 42 (85.71%)
1491 快来快来数一数,一二三四五 82 / 320 (25.62%)
1492 Higher 18 / 30 (60.00%)
1493 Divide bad apples 2 / 6 (33.33%)
1494 blow or not 3 / 9 (33.33%)
1495 Single Calculate System 4 / 16 (25.00%)
1496 Many Candies 15 / 24 (62.50%)
1497 Take More Sugars 14 / 45 (31.11%)
1498 Just A Prime Number 62 / 210 (29.52%)
1499 The sum of square number 3 / 10 (30.00%)
