Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: What's the compiler NOJ is using and what's its options?
    F: NOJ is running on Windows 2003. We are using GNU GCC/G++ for C/C++, Free Pascal for Pascal. We not support JAVA yet. And their options are:
    GCC: -o foo.c -x c foo -ansi -fno-asm -O2 -Wall -lm --static -DONLINE_JUDGE
    G++: -o foo.c foo -ansi -fno-asm -O2 -Wall -lm --static -DONLINE_JUDGE
    FPC: foo.pas -Sd -ofoo -O2 -Op2 -dONLINE_JUDGE
  • Q: Where is the input and the output?
    F: Your program shall read input from stdin('Standard Input') and write output to stdout('Standard Output'). For example,you can use 'scanf' in C or 'cin' in C++ to read from stdin, and use 'printf' in C or 'cout' in C++ to write to stdout.
  • Q: What's the 64-bit integer IO format in C/C++?
    F: Use %I64d.
    F: You can't use that words:
    GCC: windows system pause winbase winsock hinstance openprocess winapi
    G++: windows system pause winbase winsock hinstance openprocess winapi createprocess createthread
    FPC: windows system pause assign exec
