状态 编号 标题 AC / 提交 (通过率)
1200 Chihuo I - Plan 11 / 32 (34.38%)
1201 Chihuo II - Eating in China 15 / 65 (23.08%)
1202 Chihuo III - List 1 / 8 (12.50%)
1203 Chihuo IV - Evidence 4 / 62 (6.45%)
1204 Chihuo V - More Evidence 2 / 7 (28.57%)
1205 Chihuo VI - Left Evidence 8 / 17 (47.06%)
1206 Chihuo VII - Hunt Down 18 / 37 (48.65%)
1207 Chihuo VIII - Do Accounts 3 / 18 (16.67%)
1208 Luo Tianyi and Yayin Gongyu 7 / 29 (24.14%)
1209 three-god千里买衣记 86 / 338 (25.44%)
1210 three-god数学很差 435 / 1178 (36.93%)
1211 无聊的three-god 170 / 431 (39.44%)
1212 10学长娶老婆 112 / 480 (23.33%)
1213 求小数部分 648 / 2131 (30.41%)
1214 LOL 294 / 1086 (27.07%)
1215 诸葛亮舌战群儒 410 / 1309 (31.32%)
1216 符文之地 34 / 92 (36.96%)
1217 Dinner 421 / 1364 (30.87%)
1218 You are my brother 393 / 1022 (38.45%)
1219 Time 330 / 614 (53.75%)
1220 SPY 235 / 672 (34.97%)
1221 Intermediary 31 / 112 (27.68%)
1222 English Game 37 / 178 (20.79%)
1223 Friends number 201 / 552 (36.41%)
1224 Happiness Hotel 25 / 222 (11.26%)
1225 NEW RDSP MODE I 123 / 357 (34.45%)
1226 A Simple Triangle 142 / 721 (19.69%)
1227 Binary to Decimal 154 / 351 (43.87%)
1228 Bored Three-God 168 / 474 (35.44%)
1229 Timo's Mushroom 11 / 40 (27.50%)
1230 DanDan's Holiday 17 / 42 (40.48%)
1231 Fizz 18 / 63 (28.57%)
1232 How to Get Most 79 / 182 (43.41%)
1233 Kakarotto's Fighting Value 35 / 87 (40.23%)
1234 Mr.Cai's Field 19 / 72 (26.39%)
1235 水仙花数 124 / 709 (17.49%)
1236 A+B for Input-Output Practice (I) 776 / 1879 (41.30%)
1237 A+B for Input-Output Practice (II) 630 / 1189 (52.99%)
1238 A+B for Input-Output Practice (III) 492 / 913 (53.89%)
1239 A+B for Input-Output Practice (IV) 512 / 1395 (36.70%)
1240 A+B for Input-Output Practice (V) 424 / 820 (51.71%)
1241 A+B for Input-Output Practice (VI) 466 / 1012 (46.05%)
1242 A+B for Input-Output Practice (VII) 462 / 1111 (41.58%)
1243 A+B for Input-Output Practice (VIII) 431 / 1632 (26.41%)
1244 Laurel Creek 1 / 1 (100.00%)
1245 Rocket Stages 0 / 0 (0.00%)
1246 Virtual Friends 23 / 58 (39.66%)
1247 Dominos 1 / 19 (5.26%)
1248 Logo 9 / 32 (28.12%)
1249 Busy Garfield 5 / 10 (50.00%)
1250 Garfield DN Number 15 / 29 (51.72%)
1251 Find the Palindrome 18 / 44 (40.91%)
1252 Wanted 0 / 0 (0.00%)
1253 Angry Leader 36 / 50 (72.00%)
1254 B + A 46 / 97 (47.42%)
1255 Come to NBUT 2 / 10 (20.00%)
1256 Easy One 31 / 53 (58.49%)
1257 Get Lost 38 / 110 (34.55%)
1258 Large Wave of Leadership 17 / 27 (62.96%)
1259 The Roll 1 / 2 (50.00%)
1260 Where is XiSi 18 / 21 (85.71%)
1261 Trapped Minary 2 / 6 (33.33%)
1262 Shen 12 / 24 (50.00%)
1263 All Kill 18 / 40 (45.00%)
1264 Flandre's First Escape 8 / 10 (80.00%)
1265 Flandre's Second Escape 25 / 66 (37.88%)
1266 Flandre's Puzzle 103 / 319 (32.29%)
1267 Flying Chess 44 / 70 (62.86%)
1268 Greedy TT 17 / 60 (28.33%)
1269 Kha'Zix's Skull 11 / 26 (42.31%)
1270 Lecturefield 6 / 53 (11.32%)
1271 Nth Day is Which Day 23 / 106 (21.70%)
1272 Smart Cat 29 / 117 (24.79%)
1273 So Long the String 16 / 35 (45.71%)
1274 The battle of Red Cliff 64 / 187 (34.22%)
1275 Play or Not Play 14 / 31 (45.16%)
1276 Biggest Chinese Cabbage 15 / 39 (38.46%)
1277 Cutting Straws 2 / 14 (14.29%)
1278 Disruptive TT 3 / 12 (25.00%)
1279 Eating Corns 1 / 5 (20.00%)
1280 Go for a Psychological Test 13 / 47 (27.66%)
1281 Hand in Hand 1 / 10 (10.00%)
1282 A Bouquet of Flowers 32 / 108 (29.63%)
1283 Flipped 14 / 22 (63.64%)
1284 I Will Take TT Home 19 / 35 (54.29%)
1285 The TT Candy 17 / 67 (25.37%)
1286 Operation 1 / 8 (12.50%)
1287 Mr. Cai Saves TT 1 / 7 (14.29%)
1288 Eating Sweets 12 / 40 (30.00%)
1289 Will TT Get Snacks? 11 / 23 (47.83%)
1290 Which Lottery Tickets Should We Buy 11 / 43 (25.58%)
1291 Real And Dummy TT 17 / 42 (40.48%)
1292 Jokes 281 / 1236 (22.73%)
1293 Porter Cai 13 / 38 (34.21%)
1294 A + B Again 29 / 62 (46.77%)
1295 About Loop 13 / 35 (37.14%)
1296 Between The Island 15 / 24 (62.50%)
1297 Code Of Keyboard 18 / 60 (30.00%)
1298 Death Moon's Inspiration 9 / 25 (36.00%)
1299 Egg Story 7 / 19 (36.84%)
