The summer is coming, Double and Ana start to play the water game.
Do you know the water game? What? Don't you know it? Okay, let's me tell you what's the water game.
First of all, We need a big cup and four small cups. The big cup can pour N liters of water. The small cups can pour 1 or 3 or 7 or 8 liters of water.
Secondly, We need two players. For example, there are Ana and Double. Ana and Double pour the water in the big cup in turns. Each of them can pour water into the big cup by using the small cups in one trun. The small cup
can't contain any water after pouring.
Finally, The one who fill the big cup will win the game.
Double almost won the water game with others. One day, he want to change his way to win.
He always the first one to pour water in the big cup.
If there is a girl (for example: Ana), he will try his best to lose the game.
If there is a boy (for example: bobo), he will try his best to win the game.
Double and the one who play with him is clever enough.